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Decolonise Your Ears 2024 

 October 1st - 6th, 2024

Red Beti Theatre is proud to announce the launch of the 4th annual Decolonise Your Ears New Play Reading Festival.  Decolonising theatre means expressing culturally specific ideas, mythologies, music, and dance; Indigenous, Black and racialized bodies occupying space in celebration of our unique identities; and subverting rigid hierarchies in favour of a more equitable approach. It means having time to explore our voices, develop our practices and explore lesser-known cultural forms without having to negotiate, conform or squeeze into parameters that we did not choose.

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4th Annual
Decolonise Your Ears
New Play Reading Festival

Theatre Aquarius, Norman and Louise Haac Studio Theatre

October 1st - 6th 2024. 

Our Playwrights

Our Dramaturgs

Red Beti Theatre

For Media Inquires:

211 Herkimer St, Hamilton, ON L8P 2H7

Administration Hours
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM EST, Monday to Friday

For general queries, please contact

To audition, please email

To request permission to make a play submission, please email

*We do not accept unsolicited play submissions.



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We want to acknowledge the Aboriginal people of Turtle Island, especially in this place now called Hamilton, covered by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, as well as, the Between the Lakes Purchase 1792, which was an agreement between the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and the Crown, but also, the traditional lands of the Haundenasaunee Confederacy, Wendat, Nuetral and other Nations acknowledged and unacknowledged, recorded and unrecorded.
This acknowledgement isn’t enough. How can it be? Only action will suffice.
As settlers on Turtle Island, it’s our duty to respect and protect its living beings, human, non-humans, forests, lakes and mountains.
We wish and hope for Indigenous Sovereignty, knowing it will never right the wrongs inflicted in the name of progress under Colonialism: It will never return children home.

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